Fly hassle-free from Kolkata to Rajahmundry with IndiGo and stay updated with real-time flight tracker. Experience the shortest flight times, and enjoy the lowest ticket prices and services with IndiGo. Choose IndiGo as your preferred airline for an unforgettable travel experience from Kolkata to Rajahmundry.
Book flights to Rajahmundry with 6E Rewards Co-brand Credit Card to earn up to 6% 6E Rewards, along with benefits like discounted convenience fee, access to domestic airport lounge, and much more. The 6E Rewards earned can be redeemed for booking IndiGo flight tickets and services like priority check-in, preferred seat and meal across IndiGo’s global network. Apply now and use your 6E Rewards Co-brand Credit Card for your flight from Kolkata to Rajahmundry.
6e skai: For all your travel queries (travel itinerary, web check-in, baggage allowance, airport guidelines and more), ask 6Eskai, IndiGo’s AI-enabled chatbot
6Exclusive: Looking for a special discount on IndiGo flights? Get up to 10% off when you select 6Exclusive fare only on IndiGo web and app.
IndiGo is pleased to offer the best deals on domestic flight bookings. Its swift and safe travel is lauded by customers around the world. Currently, IndiGo offers one of the best domestic connectivity with operations running across numerous terminals. IndiGo offers the best deals on Kolkata to Rajahmundry flight ticket prices, and you can avail of special offers like ‘saver’ and ‘flexi plus’ schemes while booking the ticket from its website. Check out the IndiGo website for more details on domestic flight booking.
The distance of 1066 km between Kolkata and Rajahmundry has been bridged by daily flights offered by IndiGo. The connecting flights have layovers in places like Chennai, Bengaluru, Visakhapatnam, and Hyderabad. You can book round-trip tickets for Rajahmundry to Kolkata flights. The shortest flight time between the two places is 5 hr and 50 min. This flight flies via Hyderabad and has a layover time of 2 hr and 5 min. Passengers can also explore IndiGo website for multiple flight options to Rajahmundry.
Looking for cheap flights from Kolkata to Rajahmundry? If so, then Kolkata to Rajahmundry lowest airfare can be availed while booking through the IndiGo website. IndiGo has a lot of ongoing offers on domestic flight bookings. You can check them out in the ‘Offers’ section of its homepage when you are booking your ticket.
There are also other booking schemes like ‘flexi-plus’ and ‘saver’ available while booking through the IndiGo website. Download its application on your iOS or Android phone for faster flight bookings. If you want to visit a few other popular destinations from Rajahmundry, then have a look at the following routes:
Rajahmundry is a city with a rich heritage located along the banks of the River Godavari. Famous for its beautiful floriculture, historical heritage, cultural heritage, tourism and industrial potential, Rajahmundry has immense natural beauty surrounding it, which is complemented by the scenic Godavari River and age-old historical monuments in the city.
Rajahmundry Airport is a small airport. IndiGo currently operates around 42 non-stop weekly flights from this airport.
Kolkata is a city which has retained a beautiful whiff of old school nostalgia amongst the contemporary evolution of the city. It is located along the banks of the River Hooghly. The rich cultural heritage of the city is what makes it so joyful. The city is a joy for tourists who want to engage in the rich historical culture of art and literature. It is also a great culinary stop for tourists especially if they have a sweet tooth. This populous metropolitan maintains a graceful pace amidst all its hustle.
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Airport handles around 25 million passengers annually. IndiGo operates more than 100 daily non-stop flights from the airport.
How many Kolkata to Rajahmundry flights operate on Sundays?
There are 4 flights which operate on this route on Sundays. They are connecting flights through Chennai, Visakhapatnam or Bengaluru.
What is the distance of Kolkata airport from the city centre?
The distance from the airport to the city centre is 17 km.
Does Kolkata to Rajahmundry flights have senior citizen discount?
Yes. Senior citizens can avail a discount of up to 6% on the base price. For more information, please visit the IndiGo website.
Does Kolkata airport have Wi-Fi facilities?
Yes, Kolkata has free Wi-Fi for 30 minutes after which it is chargeable.
Can I edit my contact details on IndiGo after booking a flight?
Yes, you can click on the ‘Update Contact Details’ option on the IndiGo website to update/change your contact details.
Where do I get my boarding pass?
The boarding pass will be available at the check-in counter of the airport.
What happens if I lose my handbag?
The responsibility of the handbag is solely upon the customer. IndiGo is not liable for the loss of handbags by the customer.