Your choice, our Charter!

Due to operational reasons, our charter services are currently unavailable. Alternately, you can avail our Group Booking services on our existing scheduled flights.

Group Booking

Frequently asked questions

How to book IndiGo’s Charter flights?

Simply visit the Charter flight section on our website and get started by entering all the required details. Choose the origin and destination city along with the preferred date of travel, and the number of passengers before confirming the Charter flight booking.

Difference between a Charter flight and a regular flight?

The difference between a Charter flight and a regular flight is that a charter flight offers you a more personalised and private experience. It is more convenient an option when it comes to time.

Can you book Cargo Charters with IndiGo?

Yes, IndiGo also lets you book Cargo charters. Enter all the necessary information, such as time and date, as well as the origin and destination cities, to book a Cargo Charter with IndiGo. You also need to specify the type of Cargo before confirming your booking.

Are charter flights safe?

Booking a charter flight with IndiGo is safe. We offer the same aircraft which we operate in our scheduled flights which are certified by the Government.

What is the cost of a charter plane in India?

The cost of a charter plane depends on various factors such as sector, type of aircraft, etc.

Difference between Charter flight and Cargo flight?

The difference between a charter flight and a cargo flight is that charter flights carry passengers and cargo flights carry cargo in the belly of the aircraft.

What does it mean to charter a flight?

Charter a flight means hiring an entire aircraft to fly as per your comfort, convenience and timing.

How many seats does a charter flight have?

The seating capacity in a charter flight depends on the type of aircraft. Airbus has 180 seats, 186 seats and 222 seats. An ATR comprises 78 seats. Disclaimer: The availability of seats will be based on government and DGCA guidelines.

2100+ Daily flights
85+ Domestic Destinations
35+ International Destinations
500 Mn+ happy passengers
400+ Fleet tall